Use Cases

Enable new possibilities across different industries

Smart facility application

Smart Facility application to identify high visibility vests.  An edge application that runs on Raspberry Pi and utilizes the IMX500-based AI Camera to identify and track high visibility vests in real-time, overlaying the AI results on the streaming video feed from the camera.

The application source code will be released soon.

Smart city application

Smart City parking management application. An edge application to track cars and analyze if they are parked in a marked parking space, to ensure efficient and organized parking solutions. By optimizing space utilization and reducing congestion, the application helps cities manage parking more effectively, improving traffic flow, and enhancing the overall urban experience.

The application source code will be released soon.

Smart factory application

Smart Factory with Line Monitoring. An edge application utilizing object classification for real-time analysis of production line performance with high accuracy. Enhance quality control to make better and more precise good/bad decisions as well as checking for different types of fault to make quality improvements in real time. The sample application also includes features to provide information about period measurements and line availability, and to send alerts and notifications.

The application source code will be released soon.

Smart retail application

Smart Retail with Queue Management. An edge application to track people in queues to help optimize queue management to reduce waiting times and enhance efficiency. Uses YOLOv8n and can be applied in retail, airports, and banks, and can also be used to analyze car traffic queues to help reduce traffic congestion in real time.

The application source code will be released soon.

Smart wellbeing application

Smart Wellbeing with Workout Monitoring. An edge application that tracks multiple people in real time using keypoints and boxes to analyze the number of reps they do in an exercise group. Provide feedback to each user on their workout to help them make better informed decisions and optimize their personal performance during the workout to prevent injuries.

The application source code will be released soon.

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